Thursday, October 23, 2008

Oct 23

Physical therapy yesterday kicked my rear end. What is sad is that all I did was 4 mins of bicycle and 3 sets of 10 squats w/ no weights on a reclined slidey bench. My at home workouts will be walking outside for set amounts of time on set days. I'm going at 2:30 if anyone wants to join.
Derek discovered that when I exhaust myself I get headaches. I'm going through this and didn't pick up on this fact until he said something. I think we all can use a little help from our significant others.

Changing the topic completely. I didn't realize that people weren't on facebook as much as me. I was shocked! to hear that folks don't check their facebook account every day.

Changing the topic again. I am a mean person. I have no filter on my mouth. This isn't due to "Fred". I have always been like this. I humbly apologize to everyone I have offended over the years with my mean comments. If you haven't heard my nastiness then thank heavens.

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