Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I had a cold that took longer than I would have liked to get over. I am praying the swine flu will stay out of CO. That virus is a mess. I made a Target run before heading to Home Depot to pick up the purse size and desk size hand sanitizer. And since I'm so paranoid about H1-N1 and MRSA I've added more hand washing into my day. These were two of the highlighted topics on Oprah's show yesterday.

I did stop by theHome Depot for flowers. Here's to hoping the plants and flowers don't die on me this season. I purchased a Topsy Turvy tomato planter to see if tomato plants really can grow upside down. After trying to grow tomatoes last year and I tried 3 times, my confidence is shaky.

Tomorrow will be the beginning of round 11 of chemo, I think. Of course I'll be checking with my doctor to confirm. This is probably a good call since I have gotten the end dates to quarterly MRI's and radiation wrong. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I've got the number of the round correct.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't think it's time to panic about the swine flu yet, but here's a couple of useful links I came across:

How to tell the cold from the fluMaking a flu pre-pack.Good luck tomorrow - we're thinking of you.
