Tuesday, April 7, 2009


It seems like everything makes me cry. Example, Kenny being killed on South Park or every time the Star Spangle Banner plays I quickly start digging for tissue in my purse. It isn't limited to music. I cry if someone was mean to someone else on t.v. or an article in the paper tells about someone being hurt. It started a year ago. Since "Fred" I like to think my sensitivity chip has been upgraded. Thanks "Fred"! It's the gift that keeps on giving.
I'm bring this up because Derek and I are going to D.C. on Thursday for mini-vacation and I'm preparing myself for the crying I will likely be doing. I'm very excited to go and at the same time I'm trying to be realistic about my sensitivity level. All of those memorials, and the Holocaust museum? I'm not even going to bother trying to bring enough tissue with me. My best bet will be to find the closest convenience store and buy a boxes of tissue.

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