Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Let's call this blog Customer Service.

A person really doesn't know excellent customer service until after they have a really bad experience. We've all had them. The guy behind the counter who communicates poorly, the sales person who comes on a little to strong, the insurance agent who clearly doesn't understand your question. I'll admit I've probably been wrong in a couple instances and have always apologized and taken responsibility immediately. However, this doesn't seem to be a reciprocal type of action based on some of my experiences.

I can not tolerate a service representative insulting my intelligence or my honesty. For example I was at a pharmacy looking to fix a prescription charge. (Not Walgreens). The pharmacist had told me previously that I could pay for the scrip in full and then bring back the receipt and get my money minus the co-pay. When I brought back the receipt the same pharmacist told me I was wrong and he couldn't do anything to help me and here is the kicker... He told me "I'm not saying your lying"... at which point I turned around and walked away. I may misunderstand some things but I don't make things up when it comes to money.

I had another experience when a customer service rep told me to "do the math". This time I lost it. As I am not an uneducated, barefooted, hillbilly, I told him not to insult my intelligence. I would have gone further expect it didn't seem wright to attack him for being an obtuse idiot.

Who is training these people? Did they grow up under a rock? If they hate their jobs there are other options. Actually I don't care what their problems are. Their job, while on the clock, is to take care of the customer. What bothers me the most is that I have lost quality time out of my life being upset with these yahoo's. It is sooooo not worth it.

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