Monday, November 17, 2008

I'm tired. I started what I believe is my 6th round of chemo on Friday night. Two more nights to go and I'll be at my halfway mark. For those just joining I take chemo in pill form. I take it 5 days each month for 1 year. Sometimes it makes me sick to my stomach or gives me insomnia or saps my energy.

I did think this round would be easier with the exercise I've completed. I'm not sure if it's the pt or the chemo making me tired. Likely it is a little bit of both. I spent Sat asleep on the couch and fell asleep that night with no problems. Sunday was sort of the same.

I wonder how people work with this going on. How do they do it?


Kala said...

I hope being so close to the chemo half way point feels like a nice milestone. It sure sounds like one from here.

I keep hearing that chemo has to do some mighty destruction to do its job. So rest on, woman.

Bryan said...

Half way there! That's great news, Jen. Christine and I think of you all the time. You are THE guitar hero -- a true rock star in every sense of the term! We love you.