Wednesday, August 26, 2009


When I was diagnosed last year with my tumor I tried my best to keep the information from my former co-workers, vendors, and customers. When Senator Kennedy's cancer was announced a few weeks later I knew the cat was out of the bag. He had no idea who I was and yet the national coverage directly impacted me. At first I was mad because of the news coverage and then he became an inspiration. He seemed to handle his ordeal so well. He went to work, attended President Obama's inauguration, and pushed for health care reform. I have no idea where he got his energy. Of course we had different types of tumors and likely different stages. It's the luck of the draw (or genetics). Today I chose to honor his memory by reaching out to people I haven't heard from in awhile.
I'm bummed that he's gone. I keep thinking that if I managed to survive this long he should have been able to make it as well. It's crap. I'm not happy about this at all.

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