Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Nov 25th

I'm having dreams about walking around in public with no camouflage. They started last weekend when I realized that my hair was growing back. I suppose the positive is that I feel like I know what I'll do with it when it becomes a bit more filled in and longer. I can almost cover all of the blank spots. Imagine a really bad comb over and that is the stage I'm at.

I do feel like my body is getting stronger. I can never tell if I'm really improving or if it's a false reading. I still get headaches and get tired if I read for very long.

Physical therapy is getting tough. They've added the military press with 2 pound dumb bells, sit-ups, and additional time on the bicycles. I'm pathetic. My arms and shoulders shake and burn. The same sort of thing happens when I complete my sit-ups. It would be comical if I weren't so sore.

I do have goals for the future. I would like to jog the Boulder Bolder next year and then maybe attempt a short triathlon. I've got my eye on the prize. This Thanksgiving I'll toast to Not giving up hope, Really understanding how much I am loved, and Knowing who my true friend are. This is a beautiful life.


Kala said...

Jen - you are so NOT pathetic. Despite how you may feel, you are so strong. You've been thrashed these past many months not only by an illness but also its treatment. Your mental and physical fortitude is so impressive to me.

*I* can't run the Boulder Bolder. I'm always in the next to last wave walking with the senior citizens. So I'll look for you in the stadium after I stroll on in only minutes before they close the gate. Of course you may already be home by then.

Kala said...

Oh - I forgot - congratulations on the return of your hair! But I've been secretly hoping you'd get a tribal tattoo on your head, so I'll have to let that dream go once and for all...

Sandy and Doug said...

I'm there girl, I'll do the Bolder Boulder with you and would love to do any triathlon you have in mind. We have a very cool local sprint tri here in Dursngo in August.

You're doing great.

Doug and Sandy